Love has often been portrayed in shallow and biased ways in our culture. People often seek a deeper form of love, but this notion of deep love is misguided. The true meaning of love doesn't require any depth, it just is. Self-love has become a popular trend, but it is not love at all. It is simply a selfish construct. When it comes to love, one's personal beliefs and experiences shape their perceptions. For me, I think of love in terms of God's love for us. God's love transcends feelings and emotions, it is not based on them. He loves us unconditionally, simply because that is who he is. On the other hand, our love for others is often built on the foundation of emotions and feelings. When those feelings change, so does our love. This is why our love is often tested in tough times and when our relationships are not smooth. True love is not limited by emotions or feelings, it is a constant force that persists no matter what. I see love in two ways you probably haven't see it before
Love is trust
Have you ever heard someone say "I love you, but I don't trust you"? Or perhaps you've been told that trust must be earned. Sometimes, past experiences or upbringing can lead us to adopt a mentality of not trusting anyone to avoid getting hurt. However, the truth about love is that it is intertwined with trust. It is not possible to separate the two.When we love someone, we naturally trust them, regardless of past experiences or potential risks. Refusing to trust someone because they have hurt us in the past only limits our ability to fully love and be loved. While this may sound counterintuitive, it is a profound truth about the power of love and trust in relationships with others.So, instead of clinging to the notion of "not trusting anyone", let's embrace the connection between love and trust. By doing so, we open ourselves up to deeper, more meaningful relationships and experiences.
Jesus, who was a true embodiment of love during his time on earth, provided a powerful example to his disciples, particularly to Peter. Despite Peter denying Jesus three times before his crucifixion, Jesus did not bring up Peter's offenses after his resurrection. Instead, he gave Peter a crucial task to carry out, showing that he never lost faith in his followers even when they failed him. The Bible tells us that love covers a multitude of sins, it does not ignore or overlook them. Jesus did not hesitate to rebuke and correct his disciples, but he never lost trust in them. When we love someone, trust comes hand in hand. It's natural to have concerns about the possibility of someone taking advantage of our trust. But love does not make us weak; it displays our strength in a wise manner. Consider how many times we have failed God, yet he has never given up on us. Instead, he continues to reach out to us and provide us with love and grace.When we make mistakes, we often run to God, and he never rejects us. Instead, he loves us and reminds us that he trusts us to do better. This is grace, and this is trust. Love says "you may have hurt me, but I trust you to do better." Love says "you are capable of greatness, don't give up." While this may seem difficult, that is the essence of love.
Love is sacrifice
The author of the books of John, who is of course named John, wrote extensively about the truth of love being more than just a passive state. Love is most accurately defined by its actions. John emphasized this point in John 3:16, where he tells us that God's love for us is demonstrated through the sacrifice of his son. Love is not simply about expressing sentiments like "I love you" or "I cherish you". Love, as a sacrifice, requires us to put the needs of others before our own comfort and convenience. John further emphasized this point in 1 John 3:16, where he says that God's love for us is demonstrated through the sacrifice of his son to atone for our sins. In the same way, if we truly love someone, we must be willing to make sacrifices for their sake when necessary. This doesn't necessarily mean putting ourselves in harm's way, I literally can't catch a grenade for you or stick my hand on a blade for you, but it does mean putting the needs of others before my own. Love is not self-centered or egoistic; it is about putting others first.
Love, as taught in the Bible, is the standard by which all other forms of love should be measured. This love is based on the teachings of Jesus, the writings of Paul, the exhortations of John, and the guidance of the Bible as a whole. Anything that deviates from this standard is not true love, regardless of its popularity in culture. If you love God, you demonstrate this love through trust in Him, even during difficult times. You also sacrifice your time, talents, and energy for His service. And if you truly love God, you will also love others by believing the best in them and being willing to go the extra mile for the sake of love, even when it is not easy.
Few years back some cool friends and I were so accustomed to quoting 1cor 13 everyday it really helped me put my walk in love in check
Love is patient and kind.
Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
It does not demand its own way.
It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.